1. (Beginning Position)
  2. (Stand with the Feet Together and Point the Sword)
  3. (Bow Stance and Cut with the Sword)
  4. (Lift the Knee and Chop with the Sword)
  5. (Left Bow Stance and Block)
  6. (Left Empty Stance and Slice Upward)
  7. (Right Bow Stance and Slice Upward)
  8. (Lift the Knee and Hold the Sword)
  9. (Kick and Stab Forward)
  10. (Jump Step and Stab with a Flat Sword)
  11. (Turn the Body and Stab Downward)
  12. (Bow Stance and Chop with Flat Sword)
  13. (Bow Stance and Snap the Sword)
  14. (Rest Stance and Press the Sword)
  15. (Step In and Circle to Entwine with the Sword)
  16. (Lift the Knee and Stab Upward)
  17. (Empty Stance and Intercept Downward)
  18. (Draw with the Flat Sword Left and Right)
  19. (Bow Stance and Chop with the Sword)
  20. (T-Stance and Lift the Sword)
  21. (Separate the Feet and Point Backward)
  22. (Crouch Stance and Thread the Sword)
  23. (Kick and Block Up with the Sword)
  24. (Lift the Knee and Point the Sword)
  25. (Crouch Stance and Sweep to the Side)
  26. (Bow Stance and Intercept Downward)
  27. (Bow Stance and Stab Downward)
  28. (Smear the Clouds Left and Right)
  29. (Bow Stance and Chop with the Sword)
  30. (Lift the Leg Behind and Block Up with the Sword)
  31. (T-Stance and Point the Sword)
  32. (Horse Stance and Push the Sword)
  33. (Stand on One Foot and Lift Up)
  34. (Forward Step, Hook, and Point)
  35. (Resting Stance and Snap the Sword)
  36. (Bow Stance and Reverse Stab)
  37. (Turn the Body and Stab Downward)
  38. (Lift the Knee and the Sword)
  39. (Walking Step and Thread the Sword)
  40. (Swing Out the Leg and Block Up with the Sword)
  41. (Bow Stance and Stab Straight)
  42. (Closing Position)